'TAP TAP TAP' the endless music action extravaganza
Take your smartphone to dance in this free
game for your phone or tablet by Bart Bonte

To get it for your iPhone/iPad tap:

To get it for your Android phone/tablet tap:

Spread the word, share the game on facebook, twitter, and google+:


"It's tap dancing, except not the type you do with your feet - you use your fingers" - PocketGamer
"Tap tap tap, il gioco per danzare con le dita, gratis su iOS" - Macitynet
"Enjoy the fast-paced dancing of your fingertips" - AppGame
"All the quirky, clean style you've come to expect" - JayIsGames
"The best new iOS games" - MacLife
"Characterful take on the rhythm-music genre, fun minimalist music game" - The Guardian
"A simple game that does one thing not just well but with tons of style too. Why haven’t you downloaded it yet?" - Android Rundown
"Experimente a sensação única de jogar Tap tap tap! Siga o ritmo da música no seu Android ou iOS!" - P Safe
"Le rythme saccadé rend un tantinet addictif" - Libération

What's your score? #taptaptapgame

#taptaptapgame Tweets

'tap tap tap' is a Bart Bonte game
more Bart Bonte: site twitter blog

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